HOw Do I Sign Up For EVENts?
Click on the event you would like to sign up for and fill out the ivolunteer form. A confirmation email will be sent to you. Click on the confirmation link to save your spot. If there are any additional requirements, there will be further instructions stated, such as fees, forms, etc.
How will I be notified about the event I signed up for?
You will be contacted by the event chair or VPS a few days before the event and a few hours before the days of the event. If there are any updates to the event, we will also contact you!
Will There be Transportation or Carpool available?
Yes! There will always be carpool available for every event. The event chair will ask if you need transportation or carpool when they contact you. If there is not enough transportation available, the event chair will notify you and further instructions will be given.
I signed up for an event but i can't make it! How do I cancel?
If there is an event chair assigned, contact and tell them that you cannot attend anymore. If there is no event chair assigned, contact the VPS, listed in the calendar, and let them know.
Can I be an event chair?
Yes! We are always trying to provide opportunities for members to take leadership roles. If an event has [VACANT] in the event title/details, then it means you can sign up to chair that event. Click on the Google Form link to chair the event. Details on how to chair will be given in the signup link. You'll earn credit for chairing the events and family points.